Volný čas
Vystoupení skvělého uměleckého souboru z daurské autonomní oblasti MORIN DAWA (vnitřní Mongolsko), který nabídne exkluzivní galaprogram složený z tradičních písní a tanců, které představují tradiční zvyka apísně Daurů, ale také velkou tradici šamansimu . Soubor je v ČR na týdenním turné a díky podpoře Čínského velvyslanectví v Praze vystoupí i v Kroměříži. Kromě exkluzivního galaprogramu se zúčastní tradičního dožínkového průvodu a večer pak na náměstí představí část svého programu v rámci závěrečného GALAPŘEDSTAVENÍ HOSTŮ letošních dožínek. PROGRAM : 1. Dance: The Spirit of Eagles (DUCH ORLŮ) Performers: Huang Yong, Liu Juntao, etc. Eagles are the mascot of the Daur. They fly up high into the sky from Morin Dawa. They are the embodiment of the spirit of Daur—being strong, persistent and brave. 2. Dance: Picking Tobacco Leaves (SBĚR TABÁKU) Performers: 10 including Pan Lei, Lin Yang and Gao Na With a long history of tobacco cultivation, the Daur has developed its cigarette HUPOXIANG,famous both at home and abroad. Planting tobaccos and making cigarettes is the major responsibility for the Daur women. These hard-working women always revel in the bumper harvest in autumn. 3. Dance: Shaman Dance (ŠAMANSKÝ TANEC) Performers: Meng Weifeng, Chang Xiaobing and Liu Juntao, etc. The Daur holds firm belief in Shamanism, a primitive religion incorporating nature worship, totemism and ancestor worship, and offers sacrifices to the Gods of Heaven, Mountain, Fire, River, Possessions and Livestock, and Ancestors. Offering sacrifices to the God of Heaven, ancestors, Wobao (Wo Hill)and Shaman is a unique and traditional way of the Daur people to express their pious worship for Gods in nature, and pray for good weather, bumper harvests and peaceful life. 4. Dance: Lurigele (TRADIČNÍ DAURSKÝ TANEC – TZV. POSLEDNÍ TANEC) Performers: Meng Jiali, E Jingjing, etc. Lurigele,a traditional dance of the Daur, literally means “burning” or “thriving” and can also be understood as “let’s dance”. In the very beginning, it was a way of the ancient Daur people to express their ideas and allay tiredness after hard work. The dance features repeating various laboring and hunting movements and imitating the moves of all kinds of animals, which is typical in folk dancing. The Lurigele dance was included in the first batch of China National Intangible Cultural Heritage List in 2006. 5. Dance: Singing at Riverside (ZPÍVÁNÍ NA BŘEHU ŘEKY) Performers: E Xiaojing, E kexin, Suo Yanran, etc. Spring wind brings green to both sides of the Nen River and red blooms to azaleas. But they are all overshadowed by the graceful Daur girls and their clear and melodious singing. 6. Instrumental Ensemble: Miss You with My Faithful Heart ( Performers: Su Baoqing, Ma Xuefeng, Guo Jianjun, etc. The love song, popular among the Daur people and well-sung by every one of them, expresses the affection that Daur boys and girls would have for each other when they are in love.
